Hayes CC VP & Life Members

Hayes CC VP and Life Members

Life Members and Vice Presidents are members who have contributed significantly to the life of the club, not limited to a playing career but also in dedicating a large amount of time to ensuring the club continues to thrive and have been honored by being nominated and subsequently endorsed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Life Membership is a rare award and granted to those that have been awarded VP status and have continued to give exceptional service.

Vice Presidents

Askew, Peter
Beaumont, Christopher
Beavis, Nick
Burnstead, Phil
Cotton, Alan
Couldrey, Colin
Dabbs, Fred
Eddicott, Don
Gallagher, Nigel
Greenway, Lydia
Hadley, Gale
Herd, Geoffrey
Kallas, Harri
May, Keith
Morrison, Graeme
Morrison, Peter
Phillips, Trevor
Pratt, Martin
Quayle, Ashley
Rees, Martin
Sheehy, John
Spelman, Mark
Spencer, Andrew
Walker, Steve
Wright, Steve
Collins, Dave
Dawes, Mrs M
Gallagher, Julie
Jones, Peter
Strugnell, Ron
Underwood, Derek L
Evans, Bernie
Taylor, John
Watson, Alan
Luck, Alan
Stammer, Mrs B
Couldrey, Beau

Life Members

Apsley, John
Askew, Mike
Brown, Malcolm
Cooper, Garth
Couldrey, Malcolm
Greenway, Martin
Matthews, Alan
Stammer, Clifford
Whitehead, Stuart